Hey everyone, I hope that you guys are staying safe during this time.
I’d like to remind that we still in fact are going forward with scouting, however we just won’t be able to meet up for now.
Zoom calls every week will be held to have meetings and keep people caught up with things that they can do. There are also many merit badge opportunities from many of our counselors that would be beneficial for moving up the ranks, including ones required for Eagle!
Be sure to check your email regarding eligible merit badges, Zoom meeting times, and any other beneficial information.
Thank you!
We had a great time at Klondike this year – with the theme being the Back to the Future series. Sadly it rained all week rather than snowing, but luckily this year our stay at Macaller lodge helped us brave the weather.

While there wasn’t any snow, boy did it rain.
Each group made flags to go alongside their groups:

The flag of the Super Polish Chicken Patrol.
And our “sled” was by far our best yet. However somehow we got disqualified but we still don’t know entirely how… maybe the wheels? Maybe we were too good for the competition? Probably the latter.

A front view of our sled.

A side view of our sled.
We are very excited for next year… let’s hope it snows!
Sorry for the late announcement, but Spaghetti dinner is upon us again!
Here is all the information in this flyer:

Reminder that scouts are asked to sell 10 or more tickets. If we sell enough we will get a reward!
Troop 30 had a great time at Philmont Scout Ranch this year. We had a good turnout both Scouts and Leaders, and each person had a great time.

A view of Baldy Mountain, our ultimate goal for the trip.

“Cowball” at Chase Cow. You’d have to be there to understand.
Looking forward – The start of the 2019-2020 school year is almost upon us, which means scouts will be starting up very soon. The first meeting will be held Monday, August 26th. This lines up for the first day of school of Avon Grove School District.
We are moving from TroopTrack to ScoutBook starting this year. Credentials should be sent to you via e-mail if you are a member. If not, contact a leader to get them.

The patch for the CCC Klondike 2018.
This year we will be hosting Klondike for the Chester County Council! The theme is Marvel superheroes, specifically the Avengers. There will be many themed activities, including an obstacle course, ax throwing, rifle and archery, and more!
Also, new pictures are being accepted to the site! Contact me during a meeting and I will give you more information on where to send them. Here are some photos from our recent French Creek trip:

The tents we camped in.

This cabin provided temporary shelter against the elements.

The campfire!
It’s that time of the year again!

Scout Spaghetti Dinner Flyer
Also, soon the site will allow to pay the 2019 Philmont trip via PayPal through the site. That is currently in the works, so stay tuned.
I want to apologize for the lack of posts and pictures. I will be adding Klondike picture shortly so that can be fixed.
I am planning on allowing more of the troop to the site and educating them how to use it, so in a way they can make updates and upload photos and videos, and I will make my own additions and make sure everything else stays in check. These changes will be coming out by the end of the month.
Sorry for all the delays, hopefully the site will be much more lively by the end of the school year!
(Sorry for late post)
This year we had an amazing Klondike at Camp Ware. It was Star Wars themed (obviously) and had lots of fun events. We luckily also got to stay in a cabin, making the weather a bit easier to bear. Our year was also pretty successful as well, as we took home multiple third-place medals, second place for the sled contest and first place for the costume contest (thanks Mr Walker!)
Hopefully next year will be even better than this one!
(Photo to be added)
It is that time of year again!
Click here to learn more!
Hello everyone! This is the Webmaster speaking.
Welcome to the new website! There are many reasons we decided to redo the website, mostly relating to the fact that Google Sites wasn’t working correctly and many other things. We hope you like it so far!