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It is recommended that you read through this to get a better idea of what goes on in the troop, and many of the important parts of Boy Scouts.


SMC: Scoutmaster Conference

BOR: Board of Review

COH: Court of Honor

OA: Order of the Arrow


Our troop is a scout run troop consisting of several scout patrols.  Each patrol is made up of scouts of different ages and ranks.

The current Patrols (As of May 2023) are Super Polish Chickens, Cacti, Irish Cookies. There is also one temporary patrol for new scouts that have just joined and have yet to be placed into other patrols and their name is Young Bloods.

Patrols often work together, especially during campouts, including making/eating their food, participating in team-based events, and much more.



Each week during the meeting there are sign-up sheets on the counter by the kitchen window.  Scouts MUST be responsible to check these papers and sign-up for upcoming events (camping etc.).  Often, information for these events are sent via e-mail/Scoutbook, but not always!



The most important book for scouting – keep it safe, dry, and in good quality, since you will need this until your last day of scouting.  Bring it to every scout meeting/camping trip/summer camp, since it can help you a lot!  Parents should be familiar enough with this book in order to help your scout.

SIGN OFFS: Each rank has many requirements.  These need to be “signed off” when completed.  Once a scout has mastered the requirement he should see a suitable Scout (of rank Life or Eagle) or Adult leader (that isn’t family related) to get his initials.  If no Scouts or leaders are available, a Scoutmaster may do the sign off.


1 – Scout

2 – Tenderfoot

3 – 2nd Class

4 – 1st Class

5 – Star

6 – Life

7 – Eagle

7+ – Eagle Palms (up to 6)


SCOUTMASTER CONFERENCE: Once a scout has finished all the “sign offs” for a rank (Tenderfoot, 2nd class, 1st class, etc.) then he will need a Scoutmaster Conference (SMC). The scout should approach a Scoutmaster during a meeting and ask them if they can complete his conference with him, or if they can schedule one for later. If available, the Scoutmaster will then ask multiple questions about all the sign offs he had to get and possibly ask him to complete things in front of him (knots/first aid and such).  Once he completes this and the Scoutmaster has signed his book (located at end of each rank in book) he will need to sign up for a Board of Review (BOR).

BOARD OF REVIEW:  Once a scout has had his SMC, he needs to sign up for a Board of Review (BOR).  To do this, he should sign up on the regular meeting sign-in sheet.  A BOR entails a meeting with usually 3-6 committee members who will ask another multitude of questions, running along the lines of what do you like about scouting etc.  Each SMC and BOR can take approx. 15-45 minutes depending upon the rank level.


COURT OF HONOR: Roughly three times a year, there is a ceremony where you will receive your achievements that you have gotten before, from new ranks, to special achievements, to merit badges. Once the ceremony is over, there are snacks and pizza for you to enjoy!

These events are usually around October and April, but are subject to change throughout the year.

RANKS: Scout rank is in the beginning of the book.  This is generally an easy rank to achieve, especially for the Cub Scout who received his Arrow of Light badge.  This badge only requires a SMC not a BOR.

Ranks Tenderfoot and beyond in the back of the  scout book.  Scouts can work on multiple ranks at one time.  For instance, they may earn 3 sign offs for Tenderfoot and 3 for 2nd Class and 3 for 1st Class all during the same weekend camping trip.  It’s up to your scout!  Troop 30 is a boy led troop, therefore, your scout leads his own way.  If he wants to advance quickly in rank then he needs to do the work.  No one in the troop will be telling your scout to get sign offs (although he may get the occasional nudge)!

Ranks can only be achieved in their order, but however, you can get multiple ranks consecutively without having to wait for another Court of Honor.

WEEKEND CAMPING TRIPS: On months that we camp, there will often be a fee associated with camping.  Usually $10 to $15 cash is collected for food and given to the scout who will do the shopping for their patrol.  Sometimes there may be an additional fee that goes towards the camping space or event.  Food planning is done by each patrol on the Monday meeting prior to the trip.  Trips are generally Patrol cooking. The adults buy and eat separately from everyone else.

WHAT TO PACK: Sleeping bag, pillow, ground pad, flashlight or headlamp, water bottle (1 Liter Nalgene water bottles are great because they can hold both hot and cold liquid, and can easily be found at a sporting goods store like Dick’s), mess kit for eating your food, appropriate attire and proper shoes. Cards/small games are also good to pass the time. You can a cell phone, but it is discouraged unless necessary.

DRIVERS: Scouts are driven by troop adults signed up to camp.  All drivers must have their cars listed with the troop.

MEETING PLACE: Chelsea Station in Avondale, behind the Lowes and the Acme. On most trips you want to arrive at 5:30 PM, and we usually leave at 6:00 PM.

WHAT TO WEAR: Anytime we travel to a scout camp or council event, the scouts should wear Class A; otherwise, class B or regular clothing for the weather is fine.  The troop will notify the scouts during the prior meeting.

DROP OFF/PICK UP:  Drop off is usually Friday 5:30-5:45 for a 6pm departure.  Sunday pick-ups are usually anywhere from 10am – 2pm depending upon the event and place.  We attempt to contact parents that morning.

CELL PHONE USE:  Cell phones are now ubiquitous with young kids or scouts. They can be very disruptive during campouts when a scout with a phone is communicating with home about an issue and not with adult leaders. When this happens it usually results in an undesirable situation for all parties. Smart phones can also distract from the camp activities when video games are involved. Depending on the situation, leaders may collect phones after the troop reaches camp and return them for the ride home. Leaders will always attempt to be available at the contact numbers provided in campouts information.  Please note that some of our campout locations are out of cellphone signal range.

REQUIRED EVENTS:  We have troop fundraisers and other service projects that ALL scouts are expected to attend) required or not.  Below are some of our annual events (***= Participation Mandatory)



***Ham Supper – this is held on Election Day with the Lions Club at the Technical College.  Troop will choose a certain numbers of scouts.  Scouts are required to come help set up/serve during times worked out with the Lions Club.

***Spaghetti Dinner – was held in February or March, now in November – This is our big fundraiser and both scouts and parents are required to help in as much way as possible.  Both selling tickets, and helping during the pre-planning and or day of dinner.


***Leaf Raking – Usually the first Saturday in December for the Church, but sometimes in November and December (Country Christmas Day).

Country Christmas – Troop 30 runs a fundraising table inside the Avon Grove Intermediate School cafeteria and we sell delicious desserts that Troop 30 families donate.  A few new scouts are asked to come staff the table instead of leaf raking.

Wreaths across America – Scouts families can purchase wreaths to lay at the Oxford Cemetery and/or participate in a small ceremony with a veterans group.  Usually mid- December.

Holiday Party Meeting – Troop 30 sponsors 1 or more needy families at the holidays.  Gifts ideas are available at a meeting sometime early December.  Gifts are to be wrapped and tagged for the child/adult it is for and brought to our Holiday party meeting.


Merit Badge College – This is an opportunity for scouts to earn up to 4 merit badges.  The Del-Mar-Va council runs this event.  It is a 2 day (early Saturday in January and late Saturday in February) event.  Scouts must attend both days in order to earn the badge.  Most badges are earned by these boys doing the requirements at home and bringing in to the Merit Badge Counselor. The first day is mid-January while the second day is late Febuary.

Klondike:  Winter Camping trip – a council run camping event where Troop 30 scouts have even braved the weather in prior years and camped outdoors!


***Willowdale Steeplechase – held the first Saturday in May – Troop 30 sets up the parking area for the Steeplechase.

Memorial Day parade


Summer Camp – Around the 3rd week of July.  Begins on Sunday at 1pm and ends the following Sunday after lunch. Family day is Thursday (during outpost) and Saturday afternoon/evening.  Scouts who attend are required to stay through the entire week unless family issues require early departure.


  • OA – Order of the Arrow – This is a special service organization in the scouts called Order of the Arrow.  Scouts are voted into this group by their peers generally during summer camp.  Scouts must be at least First Class and have a certain number of camping nights under their belt.  If a scout is voted in, then he needs to do what’s called his Ordeal when he would go to a weekend camping outing at Camp Horseshoe where he would have a work weekend under certain rules of the organization.
  • SERVICE HOURS – For some ranks, a certain number of service hours are required.  They cannot be obtained through functions that earn the troop money (Ham Supper, Spaghetti Dinner, Willowdale).  Scouts can (and should) participate in events that earn service hours even if they themselves do not need them at that time.  Service is the backbone of Scouting!!
  • Also note that some requirements require different types of service hours. There are two types – Normal and Conservation Service Hours. Normal hours can be anything that qualifies, and conservation hours relate to conservation (usually helping out the environment).
  • BLUE CARDS – A blue card is an actual blue card that is necessary for any merit badge a scout wishes to accomplish.  In order to work on a merit badge, a scout should first approach the scoutmaster to find out who the merit badge counselor is that he should contact in order to start the badge.  Sometimes the scout is given the blue card to hold for the entire working period of the badge but sometimes the counselor holds the card.
  • DUES – Scout dues are due in November and run approximately $70.00 per scout.

A LAST NOTE – Keeping yourself organized from the beginning will create less stress as your scout continues down his path.  Even though Troop 30 tries very hard to keep track of each scout and their adventures, every family should keep their own records.  Merit badges taken, trips taken, service time etc. Getting a binder to hold everything will help keep you on track.

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